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In this 3-day initiative, students will differentiate between wealth and cash in terms of financial well-being. They will then delve into real-world problems around net-wealth, giving them an understanding of essential financial literacy topics and associated mathematical concepts. The initiative culminates in a lottery contest.


The math in this initiative is roughly at the level of Algebra I.



Teacher Resources

The semi-structured curriculum below is ready to be customized by teachers.  We have provided a 3-day curriculum, of 45-minute lessons, that can be used at any time during the month of August.  

Adjusting to meet your students' needs is strongly encouraged.

If you need the below resources in PDF format, please email us at!

Lesson plans

Please note: Slides are in google format, but can be downloaded in .ppt. All slides for days 1-3 are included. All materials or handouts referenced are linked to in the individual google slides, teacher notes accompanying the slides, and lesson plans.

To download the slides as Microsoft PPT, click here.

Lottery Contest

Student worksheets from the Unspent Game of Life on day 3 can be submitted using the portal below for students to be entered in our lottery for the chance at winning a Chromebook.

2022 Calendar

Please note, the lesson days can be customized to best fit your school schedule.

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